Saltine Crackers Nutrition Facts
There are 25 calories in Saltine Crackers from Texas Roadhouse. Most of those calories come from carbohydrates (100%). Texas Roadhouse Saltine Crackers Nutrition Facts. Calories, fat, protein, and carbohydrate values for for 1 Square Saltine Crackers and other related foods.
Saltines Crackers have 0 milligrams of Cholesterol and 8.85 grams of fat.
100 grams of Saltines Crackers contain 421 calories, the 21% of your total daily needs.
100 grams of Saltines Crackers contain 74.34 grams of carbohydrates, 2.9 grams of fiber, 9.5 grams of protein, 198 milligrams of sodium, and 4.03 grams of water
It also contains some important vitamins you can see below: Vitamin B-9 (140 mg), Vitamin K (15.4 µg) or Vitamin B-3 (5.23 mg).
Nutrients in Saltines Crackers
74.34 gr
100 grams of Saltines Crackers contain 74.34 grams of carbohydrates, the 25% of your total daily needs.Sugars
2.22 mg
100 grams of Saltines Crackers contain 2.22 grams of sugars.Dietary fiber
2.9 g
An average adults needs 25 grams of fiber per day. 100 grams of Saltines Crackers have 2.9 gr of dietary fiber, the 12% of your total daily needs.Sodium
198 mg
100 grams of Saltines Crackers contain 198 milligrams of Sodium, the 13% of your total daily needs.Water
4.03 g
100 grams of Saltines Crackers contain 4.03 grams of water, the 4.0% of the total weight.Protein
9.5 g
100 grams of Saltines Crackers contain 9.5 grams of protein, the 19% of your total daily needs.How many vitamins in Saltines Crackers
People with low levels of vitamin in diet can suffer deficiency diseases. Vitamins are really important substances for the body's health. For this reason we recommend you maintain a balanced vitamins intake.
Some of the vitamins found in Saltines Crackers are: Vitamin B-9 (140 mg), Vitamin K (15.4 µg) and Vitamin B-3 (5.23 mg).
Minerals in Saltines Crackers
There are 2 kinds of minerals your body needs: macrominerals and microminerals. Your body needs larger amounts of macrominerals than trace minerals. Prominent Macrominerals or major minerals are Sodium, Potassium, Calcium or Magnesium. The trace or Micromineral group is made up of iron, manganese, copper, iodine, zinc, cobalt, fluoride, and selenium.
Some of the minerals found in Saltines Crackers are: Potassium (724 mg), Sodium (198 mg) and Calcium (119 mg).
Wheat Saltine Crackers Nutrition Facts
Nabisco Saltine Crackers Nutrition Facts
Calories in Saltines Crackers
We need an average of 2,000 calories per day to maintain body functions. 100 grams of Saltines Crackers have 421 calories, the 21% of your total daily calorie needs.A Sedentary women aged 14 to 25 years needs between 1,800 and 2,000 calories daily. However, a sedentary women aged 26 to 50 need 1,800 calories, while high active women with the same age need 2,200 calories.
Fats and Cholesterol
Unsalted Tops Saltine Crackers Nutrition Facts
An average adult needs 65 grams of total fat per day. 65 grams fat equals to the 30% of calories consumed by humans and represents the estimated daily needed for a 133-lb. person to maintain her or his weight. For a 167-lb. person the estimated daily needed are 80 grams fat.
Saturated Fat
The AHA (American Heart Association) recommends limiting your daily saturated fat intake to less than 130 milligrams.
Saltine Crackers Nutrition Facts Zesta
Data Facts Table of Saltines Crackers
per 100gr | Daily value | |
Energy | 421 kcal | 21 % |
Total fat | 8.85 g | 14 % |
Carbohydrates | 74.34 gr | 25 % |
Cholesterol | 0 mg | 0 % |
Sodium | 198 mg | 13 % |
Water | 4.03 mg | 4.0 % |
Protein | 9.5 g | 19 % |
Vitamin A | - | - |
Vitamin B-6 | - | - |
Vitamin B-12 | 0.09 mg | 2 % |
Vitamin C | - | - |
Vitamin D | - | - |
Vitamin E | 1.12 mg | 7 % |
Vitamin K | 15.4 mg | 19 % |
Vitamin B-1 | 0.61 µg | 41 % |
Vitamin B-2 | 0.33 mg | 19 % |
Vitamin B-3 | 5.23 mg | 26 % |
Vitamin B-5 | 0.47 mg | 5 % |
Vitamin B-9 | 140 mg | 35 % |
Calcium | 119 mg | 12 % |
Iron | 5.13 mg | 29 % |
Potassium | 724 mg | 15 % |
Phosphorus | 111 mg | 11 % |
Sodium | 198 mg | 13 % |
Zinc | 0.82 mg | 5 % |
Copper | 0.15 mg | 8 % |
Fluorine | - | - |
Manganese | 0.83 mg | 42 % |
Selenium | 6.4 µg | 9 % |
Krispy Saltine Crackers Nutrition Facts
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