Saltine Crackers Nutrition Facts

There are 25 calories in Saltine Crackers from Texas Roadhouse. Most of those calories come from carbohydrates (100%). Texas Roadhouse Saltine Crackers Nutrition Facts. Calories, fat, protein, and carbohydrate values for for 1 Square Saltine Crackers and other related foods.

Saltines Crackers have 0 milligrams of Cholesterol and 8.85 grams of fat.

100 grams of Saltines Crackers contain 421 calories, the 21% of your total daily needs.

100 grams of Saltines Crackers contain 74.34 grams of carbohydrates, 2.9 grams of fiber, 9.5 grams of protein, 198 milligrams of sodium, and 4.03 grams of water

It also contains some important vitamins you can see below: Vitamin B-9 (140 mg), Vitamin K (15.4 µg) or Vitamin B-3 (5.23 mg).

Nutrients in Saltines Crackers

An average adult needs 2,000 calories per day, so you may have 421 calories from 100 grams of Saltines Crackers, the 21% of your total daily needs.


74.34 gr

100 grams of Saltines Crackers contain 74.34 grams of carbohydrates, the 25% of your total daily needs.


2.22 mg

100 grams of Saltines Crackers contain 2.22 grams of sugars.

Dietary fiber

2.9 g

An average adults needs 25 grams of fiber per day. 100 grams of Saltines Crackers have 2.9 gr of dietary fiber, the 12% of your total daily needs.


198 mg

100 grams of Saltines Crackers contain 198 milligrams of Sodium, the 13% of your total daily needs.


4.03 g

100 grams of Saltines Crackers contain 4.03 grams of water, the 4.0% of the total weight.


9.5 g

100 grams of Saltines Crackers contain 9.5 grams of protein, the 19% of your total daily needs.
Normal valueWarning valueDanger value
Premium saltine crackers nutrition facts

How many vitamins in Saltines Crackers

People with low levels of vitamin in diet can suffer deficiency diseases. Vitamins are really important substances for the body's health. For this reason we recommend you maintain a balanced vitamins intake.

Some of the vitamins found in Saltines Crackers are: Vitamin B-9 (140 mg), Vitamin K (15.4 µg) and Vitamin B-3 (5.23 mg).

Saltine Crackers Nutrition Facts
Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) belongs to the family of water-soluble vitamins that keeps your nerves and red blood cells healthy. However, the vitamin B12 deficiency is usually reported with symptoms of fatigue. In 100 grams of Saltines Crackers, you can find 0.09 micrograms of Vitamin B12. It provides the 2% of the daily recommended value for the average adult.
Vitamin E is a vitamin that dissolves in fat. It is used for preventing Alzheimer's disease, cancer, skin disorders, sunburns, peptic ulcers, cystic fibrosis, asthma, allergies, heart attacks, cataracts, respiratory infections, impotence, infertility, and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). 100 grams of Saltines Crackers contains 1.12 milligrams of Vitamin E, that’s the 7% of the daily recommended value for an adult.
Vitamin K, also called Phylloquinone, offer protection against health problems like Osteoporosis, Brain health problems, Arterial calcification, varicose veins, and specifics cancer diseases -Prostate cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer, and leukemia. 15.4 micrograms of Vitamin K can be found on every 100 grams of Saltines Crackers, the 19% of the total daily recommended Vitamin K intake.
Vitamin B1 is one of the eight water-soluble B vitamins. it plays an essential role in the production of energy from food, the conduction of nerve impulses and synthesis of nucleic acids. 100 grams of Saltines Crackers contains 0.61 milligrams of Vitamin B-1, that’s the 41% of the daily recommended value for an adult.
The main functions of vitamin B2 (riboflavin) are connected to its role as a helper the body to convert vitamin B6 and vitamin B9 into active forms, neutralize ‘free radicals’ that can damage cells and produce energy converting food into glucose. In 100 grams of Saltines Crackers, you can find 0.33 milligrams of Vitamin B-2. It provides the 19% of the daily recommended value for the average adult.
Vitamin B3 is one of the water-soluble B vitamins. It is also known as niacin (nicotinic acid) and plays an important role in the disease risk reduction of diseases like Cancer and Diabetes. In 100 grams of Saltines Crackers, you can find 5.23 milligrams of Vitamin B-3. It provides the 26% of the daily recommended value for the average adult.
Zesta saltine crackers nutrition facts
Vitamin B5 is an important Stress Reducer and Heart Health regulator. It also builds Stamina -reducing body fatigue and weariness- and acts as a synthesizer of many important components required by the human body. In 100 grams of Saltines Crackers, you can find 0.47 milligrams of Vitamin B5. It provides the 5% of the daily recommended value for the average adult.
Folic acid (Vitamin B9) is essential for the proper functioning of the body and healthy living. It plays an important role in maintaining healthy digestive system, hair, skin, kidneys and eyes. 100 grams of Saltines Crackers contains 140 micrograms of Vitamin B-9, that’s the 35% of the daily recommended value for an adult.
Normal valueWarning valueDanger value

Minerals in Saltines Crackers

There are 2 kinds of minerals your body needs: macrominerals and microminerals. Your body needs larger amounts of macrominerals than trace minerals. Prominent Macrominerals or major minerals are Sodium, Potassium, Calcium or Magnesium. The trace or Micromineral group is made up of iron, manganese, copper, iodine, zinc, cobalt, fluoride, and selenium.

Some of the minerals found in Saltines Crackers are: Potassium (724 mg), Sodium (198 mg) and Calcium (119 mg).

Wheat Saltine Crackers Nutrition Facts

Calcium phosphate is the main component of bone. The average human contains about 1 kilogram of calcium. This is the reason why Calcium is essential to all living things, particularly for the growth of healthy teeth and bones. 100 grams of Saltines Crackers contains 119 milligrams of calcium, that’s the 12% of the daily recommended value for an adult.
Iron plays a vital role in the conversion of blood sugar to energy, red blood cells production, transportation of oxygen around your body, and production of enzymes -which play a vital role in the production of new cells, amino acids, hormones and neurotransmitters-. 5.13 milligrams of iron can be found on every 100 grams of Saltines Crackers, the 29% of the total daily recommended iron intake.

Nabisco Saltine Crackers Nutrition Facts

Potassium is a very significant body mineral, important for your body's electrolyte functions and essential element to maintain a healthy blood pressure. The right potassium intake can prevent hypertension. 100 grams of Saltines Crackers contains 724 milligrams of potassium, that’s the 15% of the daily recommended value for one person.
Magnesium play a vital role in more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. Its needed for maintain normal nerve and muscle function, regulate blood glucose levels or maintain healthy immune system. 25 milligrams of magnesium can be found on every 100 grams of Saltines Crackers, the 6% of the total daily recommended magnesium intake.
Phosphorus is commonly found in the body as phosphate. It is an essential mineral primarily used for growth and repair of body cells and tissues. Also facilitates a protein formation, hormonal balance, and effective digestion in the human body. In 100 grams of Saltines Crackers, you can find 111 milligrams of phosphorus. It provides the 11% of the daily recommended value for the average adult.
Sodium is a mineral that occurs naturally in many foods. It has two primary beneficial effects: control blood volume and blood pressure, and it allows the properly working of muscles and nerves. 198 milligrams of sodium can be found on every 100 grams of Saltines Crackers, the 13% of the total daily recommended sodium intake.
Zinc Mineral plays a vital role helping to boost the immune system and promote healing. Low levels of Zinc in the body can cause diabetes and sickle cell disease (HIV). In 100 grams of Saltines Crackers, you can find 0.82 milligrams of zinc. It provides the 5% of the daily recommended value for the average adult.
The use of copper dates back to ancient times. This mineral is vital for building tissue, producing energy in cells and maintaining blood volume. 100 grams of Saltines Crackers contains 0.15 milligrams of copper, that’s the 8% of the daily recommended value for a person.
Manganese is a mineral naturally occurring in your body in very small amounts . It is a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes the Free Radicals damaging particles in the human body. In 100 grams of Saltines Crackers, you can find 0.83 milligrams of manganese. It provides the 42% of the daily recommended value for the average adult.
Selenium is an extremely vital mineral for the human body as it increases protection from damage caused by free radicals. Consuming naturally occurring selenium has positive impact on the immune system. 6.4 micrograms of selenium can be found on every 100 grams of Saltines Crackers, the 9% of the total daily recommended selenium intake.
Normal valueWarning valueDanger value

Calories in Saltines Crackers

We need an average of 2,000 calories per day to maintain body functions. 100 grams of Saltines Crackers have 421 calories, the 21% of your total daily calorie needs.
There are various gender and age groups to calculate the average Kcal intake per day.
A Sedentary women aged 14 to 25 years needs between 1,800 and 2,000 calories daily. However, a sedentary women aged 26 to 50 need 1,800 calories, while high active women with the same age need 2,200 calories.

Fats and Cholesterol

Unsalted Tops Saltine Crackers Nutrition Facts

100 grams of Saltines Crackers contain the 14% of your total daily needs: 8.85 grams of total fat.
An average adult needs 65 grams of total fat per day. 65 grams fat equals to the 30% of calories consumed by humans and represents the estimated daily needed for a 133-lb. person to maintain her or his weight. For a 167-lb. person the estimated daily needed are 80 grams fat.
Limit your average daily cholesterol intake to 300 milligrams per day, or less than 200 mg per day if you are at a high risk of cardiovascular disease.

Saturated Fat

The AHA (American Heart Association) recommends limiting your daily saturated fat intake to less than 130 milligrams.

In 100 grams of Saltines Crackers you can find the 10% of your total daily needs (2 grams of saturated fat).

Saltine Crackers Nutrition Facts Zesta

Data Facts Table of Saltines Crackers

per 100grDaily value
Energy 421 kcal21 %
Total fat 8.85 g14 %
Carbohydrates 74.34 gr25 %
Cholesterol 0 mg0 %
Sodium 198 mg13 %
Water4.03 mg4.0 %
Protein 9.5 g19 %
Vitamin A --
Vitamin B-6 --
Vitamin B-12 0.09 mg2 %
Vitamin C --
Vitamin D --
Vitamin E 1.12 mg7 %
Vitamin K 15.4 mg19 %
Vitamin B-1 0.61 µg41 %
Vitamin B-2 0.33 mg19 %
Vitamin B-3 5.23 mg26 %
Vitamin B-5 0.47 mg5 %
Vitamin B-9 140 mg35 %
Calcium 119 mg12 %
Iron 5.13 mg29 %
Potassium 724 mg15 %
Phosphorus 111 mg11 %
Sodium 198 mg13 %
Zinc 0.82 mg5 %
Copper 0.15 mg8 %
Fluorine --
Manganese 0.83 mg42 %
Selenium 6.4 µg9 %

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Nabisco Saltine Crackers Nutrition Facts Label

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